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Infinite Resonance Therapy offers the following:


Lisa L. Toney
Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3
Anchor 4
Anchor 5

Reiki Level One Teaching and Attunement


The Level One Attunement opens and aligns what is already a part of you.  It provides a greater ability to channel more Ki energy increasing the life force of the receiver.  The attunement itself heals physical level dis-eases.  Reiki I healing sessions are primarily for self-healing.  The Reiki I healer can also facilitate healing energy for someone else who is physically present. In Level One there up to are four attunements given. 


The teachings discuss the history of Reiki, practical application, subtle body structures, the basic chakra system, the five principles of Reiki and hand positions for healing self & others.   Opportunity for practice with classmates and volunteers is available.  Please allow up to 5 hrs for these teachings.  Class materials provided by the instructor include a binder with handouts for home practice and notes on information provided in class as well as a copy of the book The Essential Reiki by Diane Stein.  


The next Reiki 1 Class is April 28th, 2019

Class fee is $175.00

Book Here



Reiki Level Two Teaching and Attunement


The Level Two attunement accomplishes the ability to move beyond the physical body.  It opens psychic abilities and develops psychic growth.  The Level Two Attunement increases the amount of healing energy and works on emotional, mental and karmic healing in the receiver.  There is one attunement giving in Level Two.


The teachings discuss the power of work and thought, instructions on three of the Reiki Symbols, Absentee Healing and Mental/Emotional Healing.  Opportunity for practice with classmates and long distance volunteers is available.  Please allow up to 5 hours for these teachings. Class materials provided by the instructor include notes on information provided in class to be added to the binder received in Reiki Level One.


The next Reiki 2 Class is May 19th, 2019

Class fee is $175.00

Book by 5/9 to get Early Bird Registration for $150

Book Here


Reiki Level Three Teaching and Attunement


The level Three Attunement again increases the Ki energy and enables you to pass the attunements to others while enhancing your own ability to facilitate healing energy.  The attunement involves spiritual level energy and achieves spiritual healing in the receiver. 


The teachings discuss the methods of passing attunements, includes two more symbols and more esoteric information on the symbols.  This degree is recommended only for the serious facilitator of healing energy, especially for those who wish to teach Reiki and make Reiki a major part of their lives.  Opportunity for practice giving attunements on classmates is available.   Please allow up to 7 hrs for these teachings.  Class materials provided by the instructor include notes on information provided in class to be added to the binder received in Reiki Level One. 


Class fee is $400.00


Reiki Shares


Sometimes it’s difficult for care givers to get care.  Shares are a great opportunity to meet and practice with other practitioners.


Reiki Share Wednesday Evening


4th Wednesday of every month 6:30pm to 9:00pm


Reiki Share Monday Afternoon


2nd Monday of every month 2:00pm -4:30pm


$10 cash fee-A portion of which is included in an abundance exercise and gifted to one attendee.


Relationships Circle


Navigating relationships while being in the growth and self-discovery process can be challenging.  We will cover all relationships including the relationship with self.


Receive new tools and perspectives.  Share successes and challenges.

Day and Evening meeting times available.  Small groups to support safe discussion.


$20 per meeting or prepay 6 meetings for $100

Reiki Master & Licensed Massage Therapist

I have practiced Reiki since 1997 and taught since 2005.  The students I am seeing these days are beginning Reiki training with a greater awareness, openness, and thirst for information than ever before.  I have noticed in my classes that the students seem to be grasping the concepts of energy healing very fast, with many of them stating they finally discovered words for feelings they had been experiencing many years.


The attunements, exercises I have noticed that we are spending more of class time on expanded energetic concepts because for many of the students the class is a deep level, intuitive remembering rather than learning new information.  Hearing this echoed in many students lead me to make the decision to brand my teaching as Enlightened Reiki. Enlightened Reiki blends the traditional teaching with non-traditional, sometimes channeled, information. and symbols are passed and presented as taught to me but we go much further in the teachings and personal practice support. Enlightened Reiki explores the energy of crystals, forms of energetic connections, alternative healing techniques and exercises and gives more detailed information regarding practitioner care.  The emphasis is on using intuitive life tools to identify and release blocks and barriers to living a more peaceful expansive life.  This goes hand in hand with my work, Infinite Resonance Therapy.


- Lisa L. Toney

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 MM#26443 - MA#24955
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