Most Empowered Life
What does a MEL Training Session look like?
The MEL sessions can change with each appointment depending on what you, your body, your mind and your spirit tell me is needed for that session. Sometimes we may need to focus primarily on attaining a level of deep relaxation for your body and mind. This might look like a guided meditation, guided breath work and a therapeutic massage with energy work to relax and refill you.
If there is a specific challenge you’d like greater understanding on during a session we might have you laying on the massage table, being guided through a meditation to ground and relax your body and verbal processing to dig into the issue to identify the full scope, clear any blocks and barriers to healing and understanding and move into a space of expansion and greater love for all parties involved.
Sometimes Spiritual Mentoring is needed. Spiritual Mentoring is more like a seated discussion to uncover the story you tell yourself about how you were taught life is supposed to look like and be like. During Spiritual Mentoring an alternative, expanded perspective is provided. One that will allow you to access greater love to yourself and others as well as greater joy, happiness, and flow in life.
Sometimes we may shift through multiple scenarios to achieve the highest and best outcome for you and your session. The goal is never to push you past where you want to go but to encourage you to have a greater aware of your magnificence and capacity for love.
Session under development, Additional information available soon.