Intention setting is one of the easiest and most powerful energetic tools available to us. Taking just 60 seconds to state an intention of how you want your day to feel brings about focus and clarity as well as telling the Universe exactly what you want to call in to your life. This self-created statement works with the Law of Attraction to line up and meet your expectations in the best way possible. Of course it helps if you believe that supportive forces conspire to make this happen. If you aren’t yet fully on board and trusting that you have that much power, setting an intention and watching it come to be is a great way to practice and get validation of your own personal magic at the same time. Because setting an intention is magic. It’s the magic of focus, of connecting to a desire, a larger plan for the day and for life.
When I ask my clients what their intention for our session that day is sometimes it takes a while to refine it down to its truest statement. Often times I suggest to them that they set the intention to feel peaceful and relaxed through the session and all the rest of the day. Sometimes we add in the intention of clarity and understanding of whatever situation is calling their attention. Once we state these intentions is amazing how fast relaxation comes, peace comes and the speed at which the clarity they have been seeking shows up.
In the past one of the most difficult aspects of my daily spiritual practice and in my manifestation work was thinking about what I want and settling on one thing to call in. There was always the FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) syndrome. Or the fear that I wouldn’t want what I manifested once I got it. I have mostly resolved both of these fears but that discussion is for another post. Since I know I always want peace that’s an easy one to start with each morning. The intention to be aware and grateful for all the gifts received that day (even viewing the challenging lessons as gifts) sets a wonderful tone for the day. I know that feeling the energy of peace and gratitude at the beginning of the day grounds me in an way that calls in all kinds of other wonderful things into my life. It brings me in greater connection to my heart and gets me out of my head for a bit. This heart space is where all the magic lives.
I encourage you to start or restart the simple practice of intention setting on a daily basis. It doesn’t take time or effort and can have a great reward.
Living Spiritually, Lisa
